Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Last Posting

Well I did check out the Zoho writer & I really liked it - no moving when editing & really simple to use. This will be another thing I will continue to use in my next adventure!! I ran across the doxie creed & thought it was not only cute but extremely accurate!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

To Wiki or not to Wiki . . .

Well I think the fun exercises were the first 5 & I might add that I'm very glad to have been here to be a part of them. Last week well I didn't do that one:-) & I have chosen not to Wiki. Much like Wanda - its just not right when someone else comes along & deletes something you want posted somewhere.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

A message from Samantha Jane

Just a baby 1 year old!

She told you! I just knew she was going to tell everyone. Yes its true, my mom found me on postaroo. It was an experience to say the least. Very neat idea - totally free & it can be used without giving out your personal info. I actually found Samantha or I should say she found me by placing a wanting to buy ad on this site. Within a week I had just what I had been looking for.

Week 6

I guess the positive side of a person not eligible for the prizes is they really don't feel they have to do all the exercises. Now if there were something involved besides all the knowledge I'm receiving I too would have to play the game. That said I really don't think I like the idea of or have any use for something they "are working on" being able to delete off their site. There is something not right with that or at least to me. To the rest of you . . . ENJOY

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Well I created an account in Rollyo & added a couple searches. I have included a link to this on this page. I was not impressed with this application at all:-(


I found this excerise to be very easy to do & would be useful to help organize your collection or an easy way to add to it. My book of choice is true crime novels. One of my favorites Fatel Vision was later made into a movie. Interesting is in the Chronicle today there was made mention about this & included a web site - which I have included a link to for anyone so inclined.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Instant Sketch

This was really easy to do & actually did the picture of Sami really well. I tried doing a sketch of people but it well I'll just say I decided to try the dog. It was really nice as it did allow me to send the sketch via email to up to 5 mailboxes.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Blogging, Flickring & Feeds.....OH MY!

Well to say this excerise isn't as fun as previous ones would be - I'll just say would not due justice to my experience!! I did get the idea got my account on bloglines & have several feeds - to include some coworkers blogs - but I can not get the silly little icon on this blog page!! I keep trying & it keeps telling me the same ~ invalid url. So I'll try again some other day.